Toxic release inventories, or TRIs (Form R), are due on July 1st from facilities that release, manufacture, or use EPCRA Section 313 chemicals above EPA thresholds (over 25,000 lbs). Facilities must report, using Form R, quantities of 313 chemicals used during the calendar year to the EPA, including chemicals in waste onsite and offsite, as well as accidental releases. Regardless of whether TRI reporting is applicable, the methodology and supporting calculations need to be established to prove … [Read more...]
No More Paper: The Benefits of Adopting an Online SDS Management System
A challenge many companies face is the lack of a centralized safety data sheet (SDS) system. Businesses with multiple departments and work sites must juggle their regulated materials between them, providing each location with copies of their needed SDSs. However, this paper system has several drawbacks. Updating SDSs becomes a time-consuming task as every copy at each location must be replaced with the new SDS. New chemicals brought in by different departments may not communicate their recent … [Read more...]
The Value of an Online SDS Management System: A Client’s Perspective
DECA’s Online SDS Management System is designed to reduce costs and centralize information that would have otherwise been housed via paper systems across multiple departments. One of our online SDS management system clients is John Bawcum, of BraunAbility, which sells mobility products, such as vans with wheelchair lifts. BraunAbility, started in 1972, now employs 1,000 and is housed across 7 buildings on one site. Bawcum describes the unique advantages he has found since switching to an online … [Read more...]
Test Out a Demo of DECA’s Online SDS Management System
At first glance, managing your SDS (Safety Data Sheets) may seem like an easy task: when you buy a chemical, paint, solvent or other SDS-required material, you make sure to ask for the most recent paperwork and insert it into the appropriate SDS book. This process works well when you have only one person making the purchases. However, most companies source materials through many departments, such as engineering, maintenance and production. And let’s not forget the generous suppliers who bring in … [Read more...]
Online SDS Management Services Bring Efficiency to Your Business
Managing OSHA’s requirements involving Safety Data Sheets (SDS) may just be one of the most annoying aspects of running a business. They have a way of scattering throughout locations or even one office as materials are used or ordered by various departments. Centralizing paper in a complex organization is not easy! Efficiency has never been associated with SDS management—until now. Fortunately, online SDS management systems now exist to help streamline the recording and reporting process. … [Read more...]
GHS Compliance Dates
The first of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) compliance dates are fast approaching. These compliance dates are listed below: Effective Completion Date Requirement(s) Who December 1, 2013 Train employees on the new label elements and safety data sheet (SDS) format. Employers June 1, 2015December 1, 2015 Compliance with all modified provisions of this final rule, except: The Distributor shall not ship containers labeled by the chemical … [Read more...]
Auto Body Refinishing Operations: What EPA’s 6H Means To You
If your organization is involved in auto body refinishing, you may have received a letter recently from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), outlining the requirements set forth by 40 CFR 63 Subpart HHHHHH (or 6H), the “National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Paint Stripping and Miscellaneous Surface Coating Operations at Area Sources.” To further our commitment to keeping our clients informed and in compliance, we have created an overview of this … [Read more...]
Going Green
Many companies think about going green. Some even talk about going green. But still only a small percentage of companies today are taking that leap. Why? In most cases, the trepidation stems from a fear of the process. What is it going to cost? Will it bring me unwanted attention from regulatory agencies? Will it increase my liability?D&W Incorporated, a company that supplies glass and mirrors to the recreational vehicles industry, had the same questions. The story of their going green is … [Read more...]
Waste Profiling
Do you profile your waste? Believe it or not, this is a high-priority task for many manufacturing companies. And, unfortunately, it is one environmental issue that commonly slips through the cracks. Profiling means to determine the characteristics of the waste, and determine whether it is hazardous waste or non-hazardous waste. Profiling can be done using the MSDS to inform the landfill what is in the waste or by using a laboratory to analyze the waste. Many industrial waste streams are … [Read more...]
Reasonable Estimates for Woodworking PTE
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Air Permitting section, in my opinion, has made some great strides. Currently, they have been hiring excellent people at all levels of the organization. This is resulted in more reasonable and technically correct permitting determinations. We recently had some success working with an IDEM permit writer. The process being controlled was a wood milling operation. The control device was a cyclone as the first stage, and a baghouse as the … [Read more...]